Get distance between 2 coordinates on globe
I tried to get distance between 2 coordinates using formula from here The coordinates is 1.5378236000, 110.3372347000 and 1.5395056000, 110.3373156000. Somehow the result turn out very different. I...
View ArticleI have a String with numeric and characters, and i want to separate
I need only text I used this method but is not work String zipCode = 325 55 NewYork; Pattern p = Pattern.compile("a-zA-Z_0-9]"); Matcher m = p.matcher(zipCode); if(m.matches()) { String s =;...
View ArticleHow to set numeric values to 2 decimal places in Nodejs?
I have tried the following codes (Not Working): num.toFixed(2), parseFloat(num).toFixed(2) The post How to set numeric values to 2 decimal places in Nodejs? appeared first on BlogoSfera.
View ArticlePHP convert MySQL string field to numeric array
I have a problem in a PHP file with an array from a field from a MySQL table: <?php require "lib/config.php"; $users = array(); error_reporting(0); $UTB = $config['dbTableNames']['users'];...
View ArticleHow to remove a numeric value at specific position in a String
I want to remove a numeric value from a specific position position. I have used a regex but it deletes every numeric value from the String. I have these Strings: Draft1(admin) Draft2(adminn)...
View Articlehow to compare numeric variables in batch files
why doesn’t this work? SET FIRST="" SET COUNT=0 FOR %%F IN (dir *.png) DO ( IF %COUNT% NEQ 0 GOTO _skip SET FIRST=%%F :_skip ECHO "%%F", SET /A COUNT=COUNT+1 ) It sets FIRST to the last *.png because...
View Articlehow to compare numeric variables in batch files
why doesn’t this work? SET FIRST="" SET COUNT=0 FOR %%F IN (dir *.png) DO ( IF %COUNT% NEQ 0 GOTO _skip SET FIRST=%%F :_skip ECHO "%%F", SET /A COUNT=COUNT+1 ) It sets FIRST to the last *.png because...
View Articlec# filter datagridview rows by numeric range
I have a datagridview with this type of data: Campionato Data Home Away HODD XODD AODD 6 12.09.2015 Middlesbrough Milton_Keynes_Dons 1.44 4.38 7.36 2 15.08.2015 Middlesbrough Bolton 1.50 4.07 6.70 2...
View ArticleHow can I validate a numeric input in java?
I’ve validated that the entered string is a number. while (true) { try { numberOfmiles = Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null," Enter Positive Number")); break; } catch...
View ArticleHow Java deal with hard coded numeric vaues?
I have decompiled a Java class which contain this line : DatabaseError.throwSqlException((int)23); Until now i believe that Java consider that literal numeric value is int, So why they cast 23 ? And in...
View ArticleC# Console Application program to Create a user defined matrix and find...
Write a C# Console Application program to Create a user defined matrix which takes no of rows & columns and values & find lowest number & it accept only numeric if user enter other than...
View ArticleGet the highest numeric file name(as int) from directory – Java
Given a File dir I need to find the highest numeric file name(if any exist) My approach: // get the highest numeric file name(as int) from given directory public static final int...
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